Bird Control in Gutters: How to Stop Gutter Clogging and Decrease Pests

Bird control is an important consideration for any home or business owner with a gutter system. Birds in gutters can cause gutters to clog and also spread disease. In addition, their droppings can stain siding and pavements.
Did you know that bird control is a $100 million industry in the United States? That’s because birds can cause so much damage to property and pose a serious health risk to people, making bird prevention a large industry. Also, some birds are protected by federal law, so it’s important to know which species are present in your area or causing your gutter clogging, before taking any action.
Just like with termite control, there are a number of different ways to control birds around your property. The best method, whether its a bird barrier or some other bird prevention device, will depend on the type of bird, the size of your property, and the level of infestation.
Some common methods of bird control include:
1. Bird netting
This is a physical bird barrier that prevents birds from accessing an area. It can be installed over gutters, around patios or decks, and over ponds or other water features. Also, bird netting can be used to exclude birds from entry points into your home, such as windows and doors.
We recommend GutterBrush brush gutter guards as one of the safest, most effective bird barrier options. Filling gutters with Gutterbrush decreases pests, and also acts as bird control. The birds are not able to reach the gutter when filled with GutterBrush. It is a brush gutter guard that fills the gutter, similar to filling the entire gutter with bird spikes. GutterBrush bristles are “spiney”, and keep the birds out of gutters. GutterBrush is effective bird prevention.
2. Bird spikes
These sharp metal spikes can be installed on ledges, window sills, and other flat areas where birds like to perch. They make it uncomfortable for birds to land, so they will eventually move on to another roosting spot. Bird spikes are typically adhered into place and are considered legitimate bird prevention
3. Bird repellents
There are a number of different bird repellents available on the market, including ultrasonic devices, visual deterrents (such as scarecrows), and chemical sprays. Note that some repellents may only be effective against certain species of birds.
4.Bird Trapping
This is a more extreme measure, but it may be necessary in cases of severe bird infestation. There are a number of different types of bird traps available, including live traps and lethal traps. Be sure to check your local laws before using any type of trap, as there may be restrictions on the type of trap that can be used or the number of birds that can be killed.
5. Hazing
This is a non-lethal method of bird prevention and bird control that involves using loud noises or water hoses to scare birds away from an area. Hazing is most effective when it’s done on a regular basis, as birds will eventually learn to avoid the area altogether.
6. Ultrasonic Bird Deterrent Devices
These electronic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are designed to deter birds. They can be used indoors or outdoors, but they may not be effective against all species of birds. Did you know that some birds can actually see ultrasonic waves?
7. Visual Bird deterrents
There are a number of different visual deterrents that can be used to scare birds away, including scarecrows, balloons, and flags. These devices work by making the area look less inviting to birds.
8. Chemical Bird Sprays
There are a number of different chemical bird sprays that can be used to deter birds. These products usually contain methyl anthranilate, which is a bird repellent compound. Note that some of these products may be harmful to people or pets if they’re inhaled, so it’s important to read the label carefully
8. Visual Bird deterrents
Bird prevention can also be accomplished with a number of different visual bird deterrents that can be used to scare birds away, including scarecrows, balloons, and reflective tape. Did you know that some birds are actually afraid of their own reflection?
9. Bird Fencing
This is a physical bird barrier that can be installed around your property to keep birds out. The type of fence you need will depend on the type of bird you’re trying to keep out. So, be sure to do your research before making a purchase.
10. Removing bird food and water sources
One of the best ways to deter birds is to remove any sources of food or water that they might find on your property. This includes things like bird baths, pet food, and open trash cans.
5 Things you should never do when trying to control birds:
1. Don’t use bird poison
The use of poison is not only inhumane, but it’s also illegal in many states. In addition, poisoning birds can be dangerous for people and pets if the poison is ingested.
2. Don’t shoot birds
Shooting birds is also inhumane and it’s illegal in most states. In addition, bullets can ricochet and pose a danger to people and property.
3. Don’t use glue bird traps
Bird glue traps are inhumane and they can be dangerous for people, pets, and other animals who might get caught in them. In addition, they don’t always work as intended and birds can often escape from them.
4. Don’t use electrical devices
Electrical devices, such as stun guns and electric fences, can be dangerous for people, pets, and other animals. In addition, they’re often not effective at bird prevention.
5. Don’t try to catch birds by hand
Birds can carry diseases that can be harmful to people. In addition, they can bite and scratch, which can lead to infection. If you must catch a bird, it’s best to do so using a Pest Control Professional, a net or other type of device.
We hope you found this article helpful. Remember, the best way to deter birds is to remove any sources of food or water that they might find on your property. You can read more about using Gutterbrush for bird control in gutters by clicking here.
If you have questions about bird control, feel free to contact a professional for assistance. To discuss birds in gutters or to discuss GutterBrush, call 888-397-9433.