No tools or fasteners required – Just slide 3-ft. sections into gutters

Easy DIY installation – No cutting or special skills needed

Fill the entire gutter for year-round protection – Prevents clogs and overflow

Reduces gutter cleaning – Keeps leaves and debris out, so water flows freely

Durable and long-lasting – Made in the USA since 2004, Money-Back Guarantee

Collection: Super Gutter Leaf Guard for Pool Screen Enclosure Gutter

pool cage super gutter with gutter guard

Screen Enclosure Gutter 

People with swimming pools and swimming pool bug screen enclosures, have a unique gutter clogging and gutter maintenance access problem.   Obviously,  the bug screen enclosure would need to completely surround the swimming pool in order to keep the bugs from biting and bothering the occupants sitting around the swimming pool.  The homeowner would also never want the roof rain water to cascade down splashing onto the pool and patio area.   Homeowner's spend a considerable amount of money on the pool screen enclosures each year, especially in Florida.  Pool screen cage enclosure contractors likely realized years ago that they had better address the  screen enclosure gutter issue before they install the swimming pool screen enclosure, because after the swimming pool screen frame and enclosure has been erected, nobody will be able to access the screen enclosure gutter, because the bug screening will be in the way.   Therefore, swimming pool screen enclosure contractors and installers have integrated a unique gutter style with the installation of the pool screen cage.  After all, you would not want to install a pool screen enclosure and then have to come back and remove the pool screen just to install a gutter,  therefore it makes sense  for contractors to integrate both into the same installation process.
The integrated pool screen and structural screen enclosure gutter installation process is common and  consists of the installation of a structurally strong gutter called a "super gutter".  These Super Gutters have a dual purpose, to both channel away the roof rain water and also provide structural support to the screen cage frame.  Yes, you heard me correctly, the super gutter is fabricated as an extremely strong gutter that actually supports and creates attachment for the swimming pool screen cage or the bug screen's metal frame.

Screen Enclosure Super Gutter

Most pool screen installation contractors have the presence of mind to install the super gutter, because that gutter area would no longer be accessible after the screen frame had been installed; because the bug screen would be in the way.   Unfortunately, in that same way,  the screen is obstructing and in the way of performing a pool gutter cleaning and any regular gutter maintenance.   By installing the pool screen cage assembly this way, they have created a gutter that is a real challenge to perform gutter cleaning.

Super Gutter Leaf Guard

People often express how they can not find a gutter leaf guard to stop gutter clogging in their structural super gutter that supports their swimming pool screen enclosure frame.  Our customers love how GutterBrush keeps Super Gutters from clogging.  Pool screen enclosure Super Structural Gutters are uniquely shaped and sized, different than standard common seamless gutters. GutterBrushes are gutter guards for pool enclosure gutters. Sliding or inserting GutterBrush into the super gutter and filing the entire gutter, is the easiest and best  way to keep SuperGutters from clogging and causing rain water to overflow into the patio.   GutterBrush is a full length gutter strainer; a leaf filter, and a protected flow channel in itself, which allows rain water to flow between the bristles and drain, while keeping gutter leaves and debris from clumping, flowing, piling up and clogging your super gutter. Its a super gutter leaf guard. 

Gutter Guards for Pool Enclosure Gutters

Our gutter guards for pool enclosures come in 5 diameters: 3.25", 4.25", 5.25",  6.5" and 8".  To stop gutter clogging and to get the right size of our super gutter leaf guard, for the best GutterBrush fit, you want to fill the width of the gutter as best as possible without overly compressing the bristles. A raised bristle profile up higher than the edges of the gutter is desirable but not always possible due to the gutter shape.  GutterBrush requires no fastening and is so it is easy to slide into place; and it is also eventually very easy to maintain and renew too.

A Super Gutter Guard

We know how difficult it can be to access the gutters surrounding the swimming pool screen enclosure, so above are GutterBrush's most commonly recommended brush gutter guard sizes for pool screen enclosure super gutters.   For help with which size of our super gutter guard, you can also get our brush leaf guard sizing samples (see above)  which come with 3 sizes in one box so that you can fit them into the screen enclosure gutter gutter and see for yourself.  Gutterbrush comes in 5 sizes or 5 diameters to fit just about any gutter, it literally is a super gutter guard !  Above you browse our most common size gutter guards for pool enclosure gutters.